fai on cluster with debian x86_64

Markus Uhlmann markus.uhlmann at ifh.uka.de
Sat Jan 24 19:18:08 CET 2009

Quoting Axel Freyn <axel-freyn at gmx.de>:

> Hi Markus,
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 04:54:57PM +0100, Markus Uhlmann wrote:
>> we are currently setting up a cluster using fai.
>> we finally got to the state where we go through the installation and
>> boot into a working system.
>> the problem then is that *sometimes* the superuser on the newly
>> installed client has no password; therefore it is impossible to "ssh"
>> into the system, although the network is up after reboot (e.g. "ping"
>> from outside sees the client).
> Maybe an easy workaround to simplify the testing would be to allow
> key-based ssh to the clients and copy the ssh-Key during the
> FAI-installation? With that, at least an ssh into the system would work
> directly...
true, that should work as well. I will give it a try.



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