FAI packages for Ubuntu 8.10 (both server and client), version 0.01

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Wed Jan 14 11:00:24 CET 2009

>>>>> On Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:15:59 +0100 (CET), "Adrian Gibanel Lopez" <agibanel at alumnes.udl.cat> said:

    >    As you might know from my former mails I have been working on making
    > Ubuntu's 8.10 FAI package work on my Ubuntu 8.10 server.
Great. Do you know that there's a FAI group in launchpad? Have a look
at https://launchpad.net/~fai. I think you should join this group,
they may need help.

    > Although I only wanted to modify fai package some errors in the boot of
    > the installation have led me to modify also: initramfs-tools,
    > live-initramfs and udev.
Ouch. That does not sound good. Is this really needed?

    > Finally I have not used udev and it seems that no problem has happened.
But this changes much in the booting process in IMO. 

    > - My gforge interface has not let me upload the files with the filename
    > that I wanted so I "re-tarred" them in another .tar.gz file.
Ouch again. Maybe you want to upload your fai packages to

I'm thankfull for your work, but it would be great if you could
contact the FAI group in launchpad and share your work with them, so
we have an official location were peole can download the fai packages
for Ubuntu.

regards Thomas

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