How do you automate fai installations?

Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Jan 8 20:08:12 CET 2009

>>>>> On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 19:56:06 +0100 (CET), "Adrian Gibanel Lopez" <agibanel at> said:

    > I have to say that I have some errors written at errors.log when
    > installing (after running fai-chboot -IFv and booting).

Let's have a look at the code in lib/subroutines:

task_faiend() {

    local dir cdromdevice
    [ $do_init_tasks -eq 0 ] && exit 0
    echo "Press <RETURN> to reboot."
    [ -z "$flag_reboot" ] && : ${flag_reboot:=0}
    [ -s $LOGDIR/error.log -a "$flag_reboot" -gt "0" ] && sleep 10
    # reboot without prompting if FAI_FLAG reboot is set
    [ "$flag_reboot" -lt "1" ] && read
    echo "Rebooting $HOSTNAME now"

Maybe there's a bug in it, but IMO fai should only stop (calling the
read command) if the reboot flag is set to 0.

    > I remember having overviewed one script file that was run at the very end
    > of fai installation (maybe a hook) that did something like this:
    > If there are some errors then fai_reboot = 0.
Yep, this may be the cause that your installation always stops.

regards Thomas

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