How do you automate fai installations?

Adrian Gibanel Lopez agibanel at
Thu Jan 8 19:56:06 CET 2009

>>>>>> On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 19:35:47 +0100 (CET), "Adrian Gibanel Lopez"
>>>>>> <agibanel at> said:
>     > So I re-ask my question. What's the best way for modiying FAI_FLAGS?
> Use fai-chboot for that.
> See man fai-chboot for more information. You have to call
>     fai-chboot -o default
> once on your install server.
> --
> regards Thomas

Your suggestion is not useful for me because (from my experience) the
installation gets stopped at PRESS ENTER TO REBOOT at its end indepently
of running fai-chboot -o default or not.

I have to say that I have some errors written at errors.log when
installing (after running fai-chboot -IFv and booting).

I remember having overviewed one script file that was run at the very end
of fai installation (maybe a hook) that did something like this:

If there are some errors then fai_reboot = 0.

Maybe, is this one my actual problem (Having errors at the end)? If I am
right how do I ignore them then?

Thank you for your patience.

Firma Automática 1:
Adrian Gibanel Lopez
Estudiante de Ingenieria de Informatica de Sistemas en la Universitat de
Firma Automática 2:
Participante en el III Concurso Universitario de Software Libre.
Proyecto: Desdeslin.

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