Installclient hangs after kernel boot

Henning Sprang henning at
Thu Oct 16 13:10:33 CEST 2008

Toomas Tamm wrote:
> I think I have observed similar behaviour (boot hangs after kernel is
> loaded and the second DHCP handshake is in progress or just completed)
> intermettently on various hosts, with various network cards. Some cards
> seem to be more suspectible to this than others, and some are probably
> problem-free.

Good to be not alone :)

> All this with the FAI which comes with Debian etch (3.1.8) and a kernel
> we compiled locally (2.6.18).

We use Etch on the Server and the last Etch packages of FAI, 3.2.8, and
tried Standard Debian Kernels *2.6.18-6-486, 2.6.18-6-686 and the 2.6.24
from Etch and a half.

The Boradcom NIC on the Server did only start to get into service with
etch and a half kernel - the client is slightly different and works fine
with 2.6.18-6-686.


Henning Sprang |

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