Softupdates whith FAI 3.2.10 on Lenny

Axel Freyn Axel-Freyn at
Thu Oct 16 09:28:44 CEST 2008


We are using FAI version 3.2.10 on Lenny (both Clients and Server). We need the
softupdate functionality. The basic install works fine with our configuration
file, however during soft-updates the installations stops, whenever
configuration files, which were changed by us, are replaced. The error message
(in german) is given by something like

Konfigurationsdatei »/etc/security/group.conf«
 ==> Modifiziert (von Ihnen oder einem Skript) seit der Installation.
 ==> Paketverteiler hat eine aktualisierte Version herausgegeben.
   Was möchten Sie damit machen? Ihre Wahlmöglichkeiten sind:
    Y oder I : Die Version des Paket-Betreuers installieren
    N oder O : Die momentan installierte Version beibehalten
       D     : Die Unterschiede zwischen den Versionen anzeigen
       Z     : Prozess in den Hintergrund, um die Situation zu begutachten
 Der Standardweg ist das Beibehalten der momentanen Version.
*** group.conf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [Vorgabe=N] ?

After that, FAI excepts an user input - but even that is impossible, as the
update-process seems to be disconnected from the Keyboard.
The only solution, which we found, is to kill manually the aptitude-process,
do an "dpkg-reconfigure -C -all", answer the question and restart the
FAI-softupdate. Looking at the precise position of the message, it happens
during 'task_updatebase', and there by the aptitude-command from file
 /usr/lib/fai/updatebase, line 37:

    $ROOTCMD aptitude -y safe-upgrade

I don't see, why this aptitude is called without the "aptopt"-options

-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"

which where used in the apt-get commands before? Could this be a possible

Thank you very much,


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