Which class gets applied first?

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Wed Nov 26 15:40:15 CET 2008

>>>>> On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:56:03 -0500, Ryan Steele <ryans at aweber.com> said:

    > at the package level.  E.g., I could have an option to specify a list of 
    > packages that should be installed before the rest and in the order that 
    > they are specified, but don't necessarily (or logically) belong in a 
    > class all their own.  Currently, our only recourse for doing so is a 
    > hook to task_instsoft, which doesn't strike me as being a particularly 
A hook is a good solution for this. :-)

I will not add an additional option to install_packages if
there's no real need for this. IMO it seems that currently we do not
need this, and the package tools should handle the order.

    > expect things to work, since apt/aptitude should be smart enough to 
    > figure out which packages need to get installed before others (assuming 
    > the package maintainers have done their job in specifying the Depends, 
    > which as mentioned above, doesn't always happen ^_^).
Yes, the package tools should know in which order to install the

P.S: additional hint. The variable MAXPACKAGES determines how many
packages gets installed in one run. Means how many packages are
appended to the aptitude or apt-get call. This may add additional
packages because of dependencies. Setting MAXAPCKAGES=1 would install
one package with one apt-get/aptitude call. But this slooooows down
the installation.
regards Thomas

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