ubuntu hardy -- need network help

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at model.in.tum.de
Fri May 23 11:44:53 CEST 2008


>  then the IPADDR is ok, but HOSTNAME still equals "host" (and I don't
>  really want to specify the ip address -- that's what bootp is for,
>  right?).
>  Any ideas? This is also my first time using fai-cd.
>  Install server = Ubuntu 8.04 with fai-server 3.2.4+svn4837, and also
>  trying to install ubuntu hardy. I've put the log files here:
>  http://web.cs.swarthmore.edu/failogs
>  Bootp seems to respond correctly to bootptest, but during the install I
>  see no bootp log messages on the server and nothing using tcpdump.

This might be some issue with klibc-utils and live-initramfs, please try
- using DHCP instead of BOOTP (if by any means possible)
- add hostname=<yourhostname> to the kernel command line


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