FAI 3.2.5, Etch, /initrd.img is a damaged link

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Tue May 13 15:58:10 CEST 2008

>>>>> On Mon, 12 May 2008 22:38:33 +0200, Stefan Tichy <dlist at pi4tel.de> said:

    > FAI 3.2.5 is avaiable an I tried to install and use it.
    > Live-initramfs is not part of Etch but available as backport.

    > "make-fai-nfsroot -r -v" produces some errors:
Please do not use the -r flag. Try without this flag.

    > The client has two interfaces. eth1 is used for pxe-Boot but the
    > client tries to mount using eth0.
This is a know problem. Try to disable eth0 in your BIOS. This works
for me.

regards Thomas

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