fai-cd: Is there a cache ?

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de
Wed May 7 14:52:11 CEST 2008

>>>>> On Wed, 07 May 2008 14:43:57 +0200, TOUZEAU DAVID <david.touzeau at fr.kaspersky.com> said:

    > The fai-cd version is fai-cd 3.3
OK, this is a new version.

    > FAI_CONFIGDIR=/srv/fai/config

    > here it is the ouptout:

    > debian4r1:~# fai-cd -m /home/mirror -f /home/artica-1.1.050713.iso
    > Bind mounting all required parts
    > NFSROOT /srv/fai/nfsroot/live/filesystem.dir mounted

    > Config space /srv/fai/config mounted
Good. Did you copy your new files into this location?

    > Mirror /home/mirror mounted
    > Writing FAI CD-ROM image to /home/artica-1.1.050713.iso. This may need 
    > some time.
    > re-directing all messages to /dev/null
    > ISO image size and filename: 724M       /home/artica-1.1.050713.iso
Looks perfect for me. Can you please loop mount this iso image and
check if the correct file are located in the config space on this iso?

    > Did you specify -C?
    > I didn't find any -C on the man page... how this token works ???
man fai-cd

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