
Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Fri Mar 28 01:17:41 CET 2008

> Hi,
> I'm having some trouble adjusting setup_harddisks to do what I want.
> I want to partition a hard disk with 56 tracks and 256 heads and that each 
> partition starts on a cylinder that is a multiple of 8.
What is it that forces you to do this?

> I have found that I can the sfdisk variable in my class.var to get the 
> track and head info correct.
> But to let each partition start on a cylinder that is multiple is giving  
> some hard time.
> %MPSize() and %MPStart = () see to be the two hashes that I need to fix.  
> However, they are used so many times for further calculations that it is 
> difficult to see which part has an effect on what other part.
> Anybody in the house that give some advice?

I have not looked into the setup_harddisks code as detailed as this, I'd rather
ask you to give setup-storage a try :-) It shouldn't be too much hassle to
enforce this in the new code, at least I know it quite well :-)


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