Cannot open /proc/partitions

Castang Jerome castang at
Wed Mar 12 09:33:33 CET 2008

Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I'am using a home made kernel, based on ubuntu's kernel config.
>> I have patched it with unionfs.
>> When trying to boot FAI with this kernel I get:
>> --------
>> Probing disks:
>> Disks found: Cannot open /proc/partitions
>> cannot open /proc/partitions
>> Unsing config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/GUTSYBASE
>> Mapping disk name disk1 to
>> ERROR could not read /dev/
>> [....]
>> -----------
>> And goes on a shell prompt...
>> My config files where working on older kernel versions, but I need to 
>> update kernel to work with some new hardware...
> In any case, the problem is most likely a module that doesn't get loaded. This
> may be due to several reasons:
> - your kernel build doesn't even include the module
> - the initrd is missing the appropriate module
> - you did not install the modules into the NFSROOT properly
> In all cases: Use the shell prompt to find out more, like trying to load the
> module manually and so on, dmesg, ...
> Best,
> Michael
It's ok.
I've forgot to put the "ubuntu-minimal" package inside the NFSROOT.
I'am surely going to make an "FAI 3.2.4 with Ubuntu Gutsy How-To"
I've read that many of us have troubles with FAI and ubuntu.

Now I got the last version of FAI working under Ubuntu 7.10.
There are some little things to fix before I can wrote an HowTo :)


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