nfsmount: need a server?

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Wed Mar 12 00:24:41 CET 2008

> What's strange is that the same nfsmount line succeeds at mounting the 
> nfsroot when entered manually from the initramfs prompt !
Hmm, that's indeed really strange.

> The kernel line for getting this result is the following one:
> kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/nfs 
> nfsroot=<the-ip-address-of-my-server>:/srv/fai/nfsroot nfsopts="-ov2" 
> FAI_FLAGS="verbose,createvt" FAI_ACTION=install 
> ip=:<the-ip-address-of-my-server>:::::dhcp boot=live
> The reason I use these options:
> - ip=:<the-ip-address-of-my-server>:::::dhcp because I can't setup a PXE 
> environment (my CD is meant to be used at home by DSL users who don't get a 
> clue about things like DHCP and PXE while the install server is hosted 
> somewhere in the wild)
Hmm, why do you do the ip=:<the-ip-address-of-my-server>: thing? After all, the
IP is already part of the nfsroot= option. Do things get any better if you do
ip=dhcp instead? I do agree that this shouldn't matter, but I found the
klibc-utils scripts to be pretty picky about the way the network configuration
is expressed.

> - nfsopts="-ov2" because the install server uses nfs-user-server which is 
> said to be incompatible (bugged?) with nfsmount default behaviour and the 
> server can't use nfs-kernel-server because it is not a real server but a 
> vserver

I do have no idea about vservers, but is it really the case that one can't use
nfs-kernel-server on these!? Anyway, if that should turn out to be true, please
try with a "real" server and without the nfsopts, just to get closer to the real
cause of the problem.


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