FAI and the installation progress - or: to those who care

Holger Levsen debian at layer-acht.org
Sun Mar 2 02:52:10 CET 2008

Hi Cajus,

On Tuesday 26 February 2008 10:06, Cajus Pollmeier wrote:
> once upon a time there was a fai-progress implementation that we did for
> the city of munich - just in order to hide the linux / FAI messages from
> the users, sitting right in front of their screens wondering what's going
> on.

Heh, nice! Thanks for sharing!

> Since there's no real integration possibility for that right now, I'm using
> the confdir hook as a workaround. More integration info and a sample hook
> sniplet is in the manpage.
> Feedback is welcome.

- I'd suggest to remove the README file or replace it with a pointer to the 
manpage? :)

- from the README.Debian: "This program is only used internally in order to 
display a progress bar during actions." - do you really mean actions as in 
FAI_ACTION or do you mean installation or what do you mean?

- the debian/copyright points to /u/s/c-l/GPL, while the software is GPL2+. In 
sid, /u/s/c-l/GPL is GPL3+

- do you plan to upload this to debian or do you think this should become part 
of FAI or what do you think regarding this package? ;)

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