setup storage can't use % or "G"

Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Jun 26 11:04:56 CEST 2008

>>>>> On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 13:24:23 -0700, James <james at> said:

    > Here's the log snippet:
    > Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/SETUPSTORAGE
    > SYNTAX ERROR in config file line 12, size: 500-3G
    > logical  /usr          500-3G    ext3  rw                   
    > tuneopts="-c0 -i0"
    > Mapping disk name disk1 to sda
    > setup_harddisks version 0.42fai
You are using the old setup_harddisks partitioning tool inseat of the
new setup-storage.

Please add the class SETUPSTORAGE to your host name or define the
variable USE_SETUP_STORAGE=1. Then the new tool is used.
regards Thomas

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