FAI Classes

James james at nttmcl.com
Thu Jan 17 02:05:49 CET 2008

Hi Everyone i've just started using FAI recently and am having a pretty 
hard time understanding the classes to create different computer profiles

My Setup:
First off I'm NOT using PXE BOOT with DNS and DHCP.
I'm creating boot cds and just using those to do installations
i'm having to set the ip=:::::dhcp and nfsroot= manually when creating 
the boot disks
I do however already have an existing DHCP server and client machines 
should be able to grab on to them like that.

So i want to be able to create a different classes for different 
machines say like


I've tried reading the wiki and documentation but it sounds like german 
to me (i'm not german).

i don't understand where in the /srv/fai/config folders that i need to 
define these classes
i'm assuming it would be under /srv/fai/config/class
Also which scripts attach to those classes.

so if i create a file /srv/fai/config/class/PROFILE1
how do scripts or hooks under /srv/fai/config/scripts/ or 
/srv/fai/config/hooks relate back to that class?
Also how do i define which /srv/fai/config/disk_config file is gonna be 

Also for instance when booting on floppy i don't exactly have a choice 
of which class to boot.

I don't comprehend text as well as examples.
So the more examples of actual config scenarios the better for me.
Appreciate the help


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