tg3 network cards

Ryan Steele ryans at
Thu Dec 4 15:39:24 CET 2008

Ryan Steele wrote:
> It may be that a bug needs to be filed against the klibc-utils 
> package; a binary that hangs after trying one interface is a horrible 
> implementation - it cripples PXE functionality.
I should probably clarify here - obviously Broadcom takes most of the 
blame, as this doesn't happen with nicer Intel NICs.  But I think 
ipconfig should time out after a certain period of time and restart 
networking (or maybe moprobe -r and then modprobe the module again) 
which restores connectivity, and try again on another interface.  In 
either case, completely destroying the network stack and doing nothing 
about it is unacceptable.


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