Adding a splash image during FAI installation

Oliver Osburg osburg at
Fri Aug 8 11:45:10 CEST 2008


I did that a long time ago. You can use the normal Debian Pkgs:

bootsplash - Enables a graphical boot screen
bootsplash-theme-debian - The bootsplash theme debian
linux-patch-bootsplash - Bootsplash enables a graphical boot screen (kernel-patch)
usplash - Userspace bootsplash utility

There is plenty of information around, but I think it is still quite some work.



* TOUZEAU DAVID <david.touzeau at> [080808 11:41]:
> Fai works very well now my iso cd is on production mode.
> Did somebody create or have a procedure to add a splash image during the 
> insallation mode ?
> -- 
> David Touzeau -------------------------- Linux Ubuntu 7.04 feisty 
> FreePascal-Lazarus,perl,delphi,php artica for postfix management console 
> ( icq:160018849
 *  Oliver Osburg    -     Software and System Architect  *
 *  email: osburg at     phone: +49 179 50 76 784 *
 *  note: All above is my opinion unless said otherwise   *
 * One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,  *
 * One IP to bring them all and in the zone bind them.    *

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