FAI for redhat/suse

Christian Meissner c.meissner at heinlein-support.de
Sat Apr 26 14:03:48 CEST 2008

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 10:33:30AM +0200, Henning Sprang wrote:
> Harsha wrote:

>> Can some point me to docs on current redhat/suse installation process status.
> It works quite well with current FAI versions since I did work it out for 
> presenting it to a customer (who didn't buy it yet, so my work on it is a 
> bit stale).

And I rolled out a FAI for OpenSuSE-Installation last week. So i have a
working setup and may be some more training.

> There's not much docs, but it is generally not really different from 
> "normal" use, but you need a special basefile, and there is a tree with 
> config examples in the Subversin system (somewhere in people/lazyboy/... - 

Yes, this was very helpful for me too. But there is a SLES9 Example to
in the wiki. But this using smart as package-management which is not so
nice. For my OS103 and SLES10 tests i switched to yum which works great.
In next days i will put my SUSE stuff in my fai-svn dir
(somewhere in fai-guy/multidistribution).

>> I am interested in having a one installation method for my systems. I can attempt to help if any is needed.

You're welcome to ask for help. I will try to reply as fast as possible.

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