FAI for redhat/suse

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Sat Apr 26 10:33:30 CEST 2008

Harsha wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> Can some point me to docs on current redhat/suse installation process status.

It works quite well with current FAI versions since I did work it out 
for presenting it to a customer (who didn't buy it yet, so my work on it 
is a bit stale).

There's not much docs, but it is generally not really different from 
"normal" use, but you need a special basefile, and there is a tree with 
config examples in the Subversin system (somewhere in people/lazyboy/... 
- you'll reccon it by the name. I'm just offline and annot check. As I 
am back from holdidays right now I'll be anle to give ou more info on 
request from now on! :)

> I am interested in having a one installation method for my systems. I can attempt to help if any is needed.

You're welcome to direct any questions to me - as I don't know your 
level of FAI knowledge, please look at the stuff in Subversion and let 
me know what bit's of information you need to get started!
My response times for email will get better as with this Mail :)


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