FAI install over serial console, manual interventions?

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at model.in.tum.de
Mon Apr 21 18:54:00 CEST 2008

> Hi,
> we've run into the problem that there's only a Serial-over-LAN console
> available (BMC card, with IP address pre-set or assigned via DHCP), and
> there might be no sshd running yet, or the network is misconfigured in
> such a way that ssh connections aren't possible.
> Is there a reliable way to interrupt FAI's operation and open a shell?
> Last time I tried ^C, I directly went into rebooting :(

Do you have the createvt option set in FAI_FLAGS? If this is the case, ^C should
take you to a shell, and anotherone is running on the second screen.


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