problems to finish 'make-fai-nfsroot' properly

Steffen Bornemann steffen.bornemann at
Tue Sep 25 08:10:43 CEST 2007

Hi FAI user,

yesterday I described the problem in German, today I will do it in
English again.

I try to execute the script 'make-fai-nfsroot' but it will stop with an
error message, I can show you here:


debian:/# make-fai-nfsroot -v
Using configuration files from /etc/fai

(information between are hidden, not interesting because going right)

Shadow passwords are now on.
Removing `local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs
to /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.distrib'
chroot: es ist nicht möglich, »update-initramfs« auszuführen: No such
file or directory
Removing `local diversion of /sbin/discover-modprobe
to /sbin/discover-modprobe.distrib'


The FAI version I use is 3.2.1

Yesterday I forgot to install the package 'live-initramfs' and to add
the repository from Thomas Lange to '/etc/fai/apt/sources.list'. Now I
have done this and when I execute 'make-fai-nfsroot' the same error
message will come.

Is somebody there who had the same or similiar problem and fixed it?
Thank you for your help.

Best regards

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