Problems installing a client

Thomas Lange lange at
Thu Oct 4 22:01:21 CEST 2007

>>>>> On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 21:26:56 +0200, "Bernhard Glomm" <B.Glomm at> said:

    >> You are using the package boot-cd? 
    > No, I just created a bootable CD instead of a bootfloppy with make-fai-bootfloppy...
Oh, this is not tested using the new plain kernel with initrd. Maybe
the initrd is missing on your CD.

    > ??? Than make-fai-bootcd take the 2.6.18-5-486 kernel
There's no make-fai-bootcd. What do you mean?

    > How do I get unionfs to work than?
Use fai-cd to create a working fai-cd. But this will also include the

    > P.S.: make-fai-bootfloppy also still usese $NFSROOT so I had to patch it with NFSROOT=$NFSROOT/live/filesystem.dir to make it work...
Feel free to submit a bug report for this.

regards Thomas

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