make-fai-nfsroot dies with return code 100

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Thu Nov 8 23:44:43 CET 2007

> NFSROOT=/srv/fai/nfsroot
> FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="etch http://apt-proxy.localnet:9999/debian"
> FAI_ROOTPW=<changed to something else>
> KERNELPACKAGE=/usr/lib/fai/kernel/linux-image-2.6.18-fai-kernels_1_i386.deb
> FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTS="--exclude=dhcp-client,info"
> /etc/fai/apt/sources.list contains:
> deb http://apt-proxy.localnet:9999/debian testing main contrib non-free
> # deb http://apt-proxy.localnet:9999/debian experimental main

I think there might be a conflict in what you are trying to debootstrap and the
distribution you are providing via your proxy: The proxy does testing, but
FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP says "etch". Maybe this is the reason why it tries to remove an
essential package.


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