Creating image file ... failed during creation with mke2fs !

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Fri Feb 23 14:08:42 CET 2007

>>>>> On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 14:06:28 +0100, "Javi Legido" <javilegido at> said:

    > First of all I wanna thanks your great job and your fast answer.
    > I put 'set -x' just below 'echo y | /sbin/mke2fs -i $bytes_per_inode
    > -m 0 -q $tmpimage' in /usr/sbin/mkinitrd-cd

    > Then it appeared this line:

    > ¿Se continúa de todas formas? (s,n)

    > In english: it continue anyway? (y,n)

    > Then the spanish user's we should change:
    > 'echo y | /sbin/mke2fs -i $bytes_per_inode -m 0 -q $tmpimage'
    > to
    > 'echo s | /sbin/mke2fs -i $bytes_per_inode -m 0 -q $tmpimage'

What a weird bug. It should work if you call it this way
 LANG=C fai-cd

or maybe LC_ALL=C fai-cd
regards Thomas

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