Docu update

Oliver Osburg osburg at
Tue Feb 13 19:33:02 CET 2007


I plan to do the messy work to update the documentation. My first step
was to work through the wish- and buglist on

Basic plan is first to fix all of the bugs in it (wrong paths in
descriptions, etc, etc) and then exend the guide _a little_ according to
the wishlist.

Basic comments, suggestions?



 *  Oliver Osburg    -     Software and System Architect  *
 *  email: osburg at     phone: +49 179 50 76 784 *
 *  note: All above is my opinion unless said otherwise   *
 * One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,  *
 * One IP to bring them all and in the zone bind them.    *

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