SW_RAID in 3.x

Holger Levsen debian at layer-acht.org
Wed Aug 22 22:10:08 CEST 2007


On Wednesday 22 August 2007 18:57, martin f krafft wrote:
> > 1. Just copy the configuration from 2.10 (minus the mkinitrd script),
> > 2. download new versions from the wiki, or
> > 3. avoid software raid?
> 4. Use the hook on the wiki to create the arrays, make sure to
>    install mdadm, a Debian kernel image and initramfs-tools on the
>    clients, and it should all work.

5. in case of success: split the wiki page in two: once for sarge and new, for 
etch :-)

regards & thanks to whoever does this,
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