Screenshot of kernel panic.

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Sep 18 13:19:07 CEST 2006

>>>>> On Sat, 16 Sep 2006 22:57:59 -0300, Edmundo Valle Neto <edmundo.valle at> said:

    > FAI-CD puts all data needed for a fully automatic installation on a CD. 
    > So not network is needed and you can install the whole system from CD. 
    > The script creates an ISO image that includes the nfsroot, the 
    > configuration space and a partitial Debian mirror.

    > The network configuration of my server was totally different from my 
    > virtual network. (That was a network). It always configures 
    > the server with the IP and a gateway (what 
    > is this?).
Yes. This is an example of the network configuration. IMO it's not
possible to guess your network configuration and to setup the install
server from fai-cd using this configuration. Therefore I use a default
network configuration. I you have a better solutiion for this, please
email it to me.

If you want to use the install server (which was installed from
fai-cd) you have to manually adjust the network parameters. Then it
should work.

    > I corrected the network configuration and installed the server and the 
    > client without error messages from the repositories and from apt-proxy, 
    > I got rid the custom names too, and tried to install atom25, but at the 
    > end the result is the same as in the first e-mail: Kernel Panic
When does the kernel panic occur? When booting the installation system
(network boot, kernel from PXE with nfsroot) or after the client was
installed, when it reboots the newly install system from local disk?

    > Edmundo Valle Neto escreveu:
    >> I tried some more times and during installation appears some errors 
Please do not cite all text again and agin.

regards Thomas

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