Build nfs root for Woodcrest

Steffen Grunewald steffen.grunewald at
Thu Sep 14 14:51:36 CEST 2006

On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 10:28:19AM +0200, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> What one could do:
> - Boot your x86_64 with some sort of live-CD or anything else that gets you into
>   a native x86_64 environment

Nice try. First attempt with d-i beta3 netinstall cd failed: e1000 drivers too old.
On the board, there's a 82563EB chip which needs very recent support.

I'll try to pick up a "normal" PRO/1000 card or something even older...

> - install the necessary FAI packages there and run make-fai-nfsroot
> - find some way of installing your tailored kernel
>   * make-fai-nfsroot -k
>   * have the initial make-fai-nfsroot install it
>   * cp $kernel $NFSROOT ; chroot $NFSROOT ; dpkg -i $kernel
>   * most probably even dpkg -x $kernel $NFSROOT will do
> - copy your $NFSROOT to your FAI server
> If the first 2 steps aren't possible at all (probably due to your RAID
> controller), grab someone elses NFSROOT for x86_64 (e.g., I do have one), it
> might be sufficient to get your own x86_64 running to build an NFSROOT yourself.

Nevertheless, thanks for your suggestions...

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