Build nfs root for Woodcrest

Michael Tautschnig tautschn at
Thu Sep 14 10:28:19 CEST 2006

> On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 04:30:22PM +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:
> > >>>>> On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:55:52 +0200, Steffen Grunewald <steffen.grunewald at> said:
> > 
> >     > - a new kernel has to be used (for support of newer e1000 chips, and
> >     > 	Areca RAID controllers)
> > fai-kernels 1.12 includes the 2.6.17 kernel. It that ok for you?
> Since I need the arcmsr module, almost every kernel will do if if can be
> patched. If the 2.6.17 source is available, I'm fine...
> >     > - it has to be a complete x86_64 installation
> > 
> >     > - etch for x86_64 is still incomplete
> > I know. Since today I only tested the FAI packages (even FAI 3 beta20)
> > on sarge machines. I will start with etch support tomorrow but it will
> > take some days to find all quirks in etch.

Is so incomplete that you can't use it? In case you are using it for some server
applications only, it should probably be alright.

What one could do:

- Boot your x86_64 with some sort of live-CD or anything else that gets you into
  a native x86_64 environment
- install the necessary FAI packages there and run make-fai-nfsroot
- find some way of installing your tailored kernel
  * make-fai-nfsroot -k
  * have the initial make-fai-nfsroot install it
  * cp $kernel $NFSROOT ; chroot $NFSROOT ; dpkg -i $kernel
  * most probably even dpkg -x $kernel $NFSROOT will do
- copy your $NFSROOT to your FAI server

If the first 2 steps aren't possible at all (probably due to your RAID
controller), grab someone elses NFSROOT for x86_64 (e.g., I do have one), it
might be sufficient to get your own x86_64 running to build an NFSROOT yourself.


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