Fai server can be a different architecture from clients?

Paolo Miotto paolo.miotto at uniud.it
Thu Nov 23 09:29:49 CET 2006

Quoting wtautz <wtautz at cs.uwaterloo.ca>:


> Yes, I figured it should be easy to do this part. As Thomas points
> out I could copy over the different nfs roots once they've been
> created on a machine of appropriate architecture....
>> Still, you need to make the nfsroot _once_ on a machine of the right
>> architecture, because there a chroot is created with debootstrap.
> Yes, I noticed that running and this program obviously can't run on
> an arch that is different.
>> Henning
>> BTW: it works to have an i86 chroot (and therefore base image, and
>> nfsroot) on amd64 , but not vice versa.
> Yes, that had occurred to me.
> walter

On the debian wiki you can find an article  
(http://wiki.debian.org/QemuUserEmulation) explaining the use of  
qemu+binfmt for a transparent cross-architecture chroot.

I haven't tried it, but I think maybe it can help.


SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - CSIT -Universita' di Udine

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