[PATCH 12/12] add a quick HOWTO for getting this branch working

Sam Vilain sam at vilain.net
Mon May 1 05:47:30 CEST 2006

=== doc/vserver.txt
--- doc/vserver.txt	(revision 8132)
+++ doc/vserver.txt	(revision 8133)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Building VServers with FAI
+You will need:
+ - util-vserver-0.30.210, patched with:
+   https://savannah.nongnu.org/patch/index.php?func=detailitem&item_id=5058
+   (but if your 'vserver xxx build --help' already lists 'fai' as a
+    build method, the feature is already upstream)
+ - a system with a vs2.0 series patch installed (vs2.0.2+ recommended)
+   I tested this with:
+   http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Experimental/patch-2.6.16-vs2.0.2-rc14.diff
+Once you have this, you need to build yourself a vserver that will
+hold the FAI configuration.
+vserver faiprof build -m debootstrap --interface dummy0: \
+   --flags nproc
+Add 'secure_mount' to /etc/vservers/fai/ccapabilities and 'mknod' to
+/etc/vservers/fai/bcapabilities.  This will allow 'make-fai-nfsroot'
+to work within that vserver.  Manually configure that vserver until it
+starts and stops properly, resolves hosts, apt-get updates ok, etc.
+You will also need to configure /etc/fai/fai.conf, sources.list, etc.
+Then you can build children with:
+vserver mychild build -m fai --interface dummy0: \
+   --flags nproc -- -f faiprof

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