
Michael Tautschnig michael.tautschnig at
Fri Mar 17 15:00:02 CET 2006

> hi,
> I'm thinking to put /usr/sbin/fai softupdate in the cron of every client.
> is there a best practice for doing this.
> let's say that this softupdate will happen every night. What happen If I'm working
> on a the configuration space, and that this configuration is not yet working well.
> To avoid such situation, I was thinking to give a version to the configuration
> space, and to do a script on any client which will do a softupdate only if the
> version of the configuration space is higher than the last softupdate done.
> Does some one of you has already think of this; is this a good idea ?

We are using svn to manage our configuration since a few weeks, before the whole
thing was based on CVS, which is completely supported by FAI already and works
very well. Usings tags you can even commit to the repository, as long as you
don't mark the changes as stable.

However, I do not suggest automated updates in a mission-critical environment,
not even on Debian-stable. We do not even run manually invoked concurrent
updates on all hosts anymore as this, e.g., might break both of your DNS servers
at once, which happened here :-) 


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