
Michael Tautschnig tautschn at model.in.tum.de
Thu Jun 15 12:47:33 CEST 2006

> >>>>> On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:32:50 +0200, Rudy Gevaert <Rudy.Gevaert at UGent.be> said:
>     > APT
>     > {
>     >    // Options for apt-get
>     >    Get
>     >    {
>     >       Assume-Yes "true";
>     >       Fix-Missing "true";
>     >       Show-Upgraded "true";
>     >       Purge "true";              // really purge! Also removes config files
>     > The above config should only be used when doing an installation (and 
>     > then the config file is in the nfsroot) 
> Yep, you're right.
>     > and when doing a softupdate.
> No, must not use this config during softupdate.
>     > For doing the softupdate, apt can be called with a specifiek config file.
> I'm not sure if this apt.conf will be installed to the new
> system. This may be a bug if it's done.
What is so wrong about using this file for softupdates as well? After all, you
ought to have the relevant config files in FAI anyway!?


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