manual partition

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Mon Jan 16 14:46:08 CET 2006

On 1/16/06, Sven Richter <sssssrichter at> wrote:
> I have an office with several computers.
> And on them i already have windows installed.
> And the installation differs from one to the other.
> And so i have one problem, the partition where to install
> debian is everywhere another one.
> That's all, i want to control the partition process.
> Doing that automated seems to riskfull to me because
> of the data that should remain on the other partitions.

No reaqson to go manual! :)

I also use FAI at home for a 5-machine network where each host differs.
Give your machines hard-assigned hostnames according to their NIC's
hardware address, and put a matching disk_config file for each in

You can also put a special fstab for each host in files, in case FAI's
auto-created fstab doesn't match your needs, or aded sepcial lines in
there with cfengine.


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