Install nodes with re-configured kernel image

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Mon Jan 16 14:23:44 CET 2006

>>>>> On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 05:02:57 -0800 (PST), Brian Showalter <bshowalter at> said:

    > and still got the same results.  Yes, I'm trying to install the same
    > kernel that's used for the FAI install into the new system so that it
    > will use it for post-install booting.
Dont' do this! I may work (using a kernel append parameter that is not
root=/dev/nfs) but it's better to have two different kernels.

    > the initial FAI install, the procedure would be something like this:
    > 1. Configure a FAI install kernel with ROOT_NFS set to "Y" and
    > .....
    > 9. Proceed with the PXE boot and install.
    > Am I on the right track here?
Yep. This approach is much better.

regards Thomas

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