Install nodes with re-configured kernel image

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Sun Jan 15 14:07:29 CET 2006

>>>>> On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 04:47:18 -0800 (PST), Brian Showalter <bshowalter at> said:

    > BINGO!  That did it!  Now the custom 2.6.14 kernel does get installed
    > and shows up in the GRUB menu after the end-of-install reboot, and
    > I've learned something new about package naming.  However, that
    > brings up another problem, as going forward with the boot produces a
    > kernel panic.  It seems that the kernel is still trying to mount the
    > root fs via NFS.  Time to get back to figuring that one out.
What does fai-chboot -l on the install server tells you? Every client
should disable its pxelinux config file (calling rsh/ssh fai-chboot -d
on the install server). Therefor you need to define LOGUSER and this
user needs write permissions for /boot/fai/pxelinux.cfg
directory. Otherwise the PXE get the same config file, which tells the
install client to boot the fai installer kernel and not to boot from
local hard disk. Dont' forget to call fai-chboot -o default once, and
have a llok at fai-chboot.8.
regards Thomas

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