Install nodes with re-configured kernel image

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at
Fri Jan 13 17:01:50 CET 2006

On 1/13/06, Gavin Tran <gavintran at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm building a beowulf in which nodes supposed to use the
> re-configured kernel image made with make-kpkg.
> I've put the following lines into /fai/class/FAIBASE.var
> addpackages="kernel-image-2.6.8-fai_2_i386"

Do you use the fai-kernels config for the running system (I suspect if
because the name you are using)? I am not exactly sure if this kernel
is optimized for usage in production/standard runtime systems, or if
this is even a bad idea to use this config for something else than a
FAI installation.

which version of FAI are you using?

The addpackages functionality has been removed in some recent
versions, I don't remeber which one exactly, but look i the list
archive to find it out, or in the changelog.

You should put the kernel package in a "normal" package list - a hook
for the class FAIBASE which is included in the simple configuration
examples makes that the installation of the kernel doesn't break
because of mkinitrd.


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