setting hostname manually?

Thomas Wuppermann tw at
Thu Feb 2 11:12:13 CET 2006


we are using fai 2.8.4 to install all our debian-systems like servers, test-server and developement-systems.
Since we divided our network into several subnets and vlans with DHCP-Service, the clients arer noct allways in the same subnet and do not allways have the same IP-Adress.

Until now we used DHCP with Reservations based on MAC-Adresses to tell the clients their Hostname, who the FAI-Server ist and so on... anything worked fine!
Because I am lazy, (thats why we use FAI, isn't it?) in the future I don't want to Konfigure DHCP-reservations and -options for every client, but I need the hostname to determine the FAI-CLASSES for every FAI-client.

I There a way to tell FAI the hostname of the client to install (reverse DNS isn't configured)? perhaps interactively?

Thanks in advance

Thomas Wuppermann
Hamburger Berater Team GmbH     Telefon: 040/369779-0
Stadthausbrücke 3 (Fleethof)    Telefax: 040/369779-99
20355 Hamburg                   eMail  : tw at


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