Solved / new Problem ;-) Was: Re: Sending DHCP requests .... timed out

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Wed Dec 6 18:31:52 CET 2006

>>>>> On Wed, 06 Dec 2006 18:13:52 +0100, Ingo Wichmann <iw at> said:

    > I solved this by creating a diretory for the syslog pid-file in the line
    > before syslog is called:
    >   mkdir -p /tmp/var/run

    > And i've put a symlink
    > /var/run -> /tmp/var/run
    > in nfsroot
Which FAI version are you using? Newer FAI versions mount a tmpfs onto
/var/run AFAIR, so this is not needed IMO.

regards Thomas

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