fai-mirror bugs: conflicting packages and relative directories

Thomas Lange lange at informatik.Uni-Koeln.DE
Sun Sep 11 14:31:32 CEST 2005

>>>>> On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 02:54:17 -0400 (EDT), Paul Nijjar <pnijjar at utm.utoronto.ca> said:

    > 	0. I have two package lists with conflicting packages. In
    > package_config/EMACS I have:

    > PACKAGES install
    > emacs

    > and in package_config/EMACS-NOX I have:
    > PACKAGES install
    > emacs-nox

    > 	Now if I type

    > fai-mirror -v -cEMACS,EMACS-NOX /tmp/mirror

    > 	the script fails when calculating the dependencies:
I know this will not work, but I'm think I know how to fix
it. install_packages has to proceed that package list class by class
and not collect all packages from all classes before downloading the

It would be nice if you could file a bug against fai.
regards Thomas

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