Problems with nfs mounts.

Michael Tautschnig michael.tautschnig at
Tue Oct 4 18:58:32 CEST 2005

> I did cp -a /usr/share/doc/fai/examples/simple/* /usr/local/share/fai
> In howfar does it need to be adapted ?
You will most probably want to change the partition layouts, package lists, etc.

> The complete message visible on the client before abort was:
> Reading /tmp/fai/boot.log
> mount : can't get address for atom00
/etc/fai/fai.conf on your install server configured your NFSROOT to mount from
the host atom00 - which most probably doesn't exist in your network - either set
up DNS such that atom00 maps to your install server's IP or set the IP in
fai.conf and rebuild the NFSROOT or modify it directly in



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