Problem with hard disks

Michael Tautschnig michael.tautschnig at
Mon Nov 21 21:57:41 CET 2005

> Hi,
> after some unsuccesful attempt to recompile the kernel, I managed to put 
> the "debug=1" flag into fai-setup and tried to use the standard .deb 
>  package of fai kernel 2.6.8. It produces following lines, in the end:
> I attach the whole fai.log file, I hope you can have some hint on what went 
> wrong. By the way, I checked the .config of this kernel (fai 2.6.8) and it 
> seems the support for SATA disks is ok, so why there is this "+ die 
> 'setup_harddisks did not create /tmp/fai/ file.'" error?


Did you copy your initial config from the beowulf-example? If this is true,
please copy class/20-hwdetect.source from the simple-example to include hardware
detection; most of the drivers are compiled as modules and must thus be loaded,
which is done by that script.

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