Problem using fai with (about) serial console

Ralf Utermann Ralf.Utermann at Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE
Wed Jan 12 14:40:29 CET 2005

We use serial consoles a lot together with FAI. For the install process
we pass pxe on the FAI master the arguments for serial console use [as
one does for lilo/grub for normal operation], like:
fai-chboot -FIv -k console=ttyS0,38400n8  <host>
You see the whole install process and with the parameters above, waits
for you to hit ENTER over this serial line to reboot.

Bye, Ralf
         Ralf Utermann
         Universität Augsburg, Institut für Physik   --   EDV-Betreuer
         D-86135 Augsburg                     Phone:  +49-821-598-3231
         SMTP: Ralf.Utermann at Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE         Fax: -3411

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