FAIwiki Spam issues and closed registration

Henning Sprang henning_sprang at gmx.de
Tue Dec 20 00:55:51 CET 2005


Due to massive spambots activity in the wiki we were forced to disable
new user registration. New users can only be created by Thomas, Holger,
and me at the moment. Better solutions are underway, but can take a
while to complete. See the wiki for further notice: 

Don't feel obliged to but feel free to contact me if you have an idea
how to help with the things mentioned there :)

Most important, until we have better tools to get the job done, it would
be very helpful to have some people getting sysop status in the wiki
system and then supporting us by undoing changes made by spambots
already in the system. We need help here because this job is too hard
and ugly for such a few people as we have now in charge of the wiki to
catch up with the bad guys in time.
If we have a group of some people helping we can also reopen
registration to the public to minimize the effort to get into writing
FAI documentation in the wiki.

The other things, creating helping tools for that job will need some php
and mysql skills, looking at the database structure and testing.

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