debootstrap failing ( part of fai )

Satyen Sheth satyen.sheth at
Mon Dec 5 22:23:48 CET 2005

On 12/5/05, Thomas Lange <lange at> wrote:
> >>>>> On Sun, 4 Dec 2005 22:54:41 -0800, Satyen Sheth <satyen.sheth at> said:
>     > Question... mkdebmirror has been runing since morning ~ 8:40am (PST)
>     > this morning.  It is now 10:45pm (PST) - (US/California). So we're now
>     > into the 14th hour.  My link is slow(dsl 1.2 peak bursts).  I know
>     > that I won't need ALL of the pkgs which a particular mirror has.  So
>     > what can be tweaked with 'mkdebmirror' to ONLY download the base pkgs
>     > necessary for me to install the basics and then update my fai client
>     > via script, using 'apt'.  I"m assuming, that it didn't take you over
> You can use fai-mirror (add -a) to create a mirror that only contains
> those packages that are needed for your configuration space including
> all dependencies. Using the simple examples you will need only
> 250Mbytes of packages. If you are using fai 2.8.4 there's one bug, so
> the package grub might be missing.

Ah.. that explains it since I didn't install grub.

In fai 2.9 this will be fixed. I
> can build the newest fai version for you and put it on the fai
> download/developers area if you want to use the newest (betea)
> version.

Umm, this would be fine, I suppose if I was confident with _my_
ability to smootly config/install fai and get systems up an running. 
Meh.. But no since in adding more complexity   :) using beta code.

With 2.4.8, If all is required is to install the Grub pkg to make
'fai-mirror' then I can try that.

For the _original_ "bongled" mirror install, I'm going to copy the
"pool" directory which comes on Sarge ISO (disk1/disk2) and see if
that gets me further.  In my _originial_ post, I was failing with an
error from debootstrap( due to badly build local mirror ).  So copying
the contents of 'pool' from the ISO's _should_ get me further.  This
way I won't run 'mkedebmirror' to get ALL the deb pkgs.  The ISO's
(disk1/2), after visual inspection have a subset of deb pkgs than a
mirror( - I suppose this is expected.

Thanks for all replys thus far..

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