Can't mount ext3 filesystem

Ben Willcox ben.willcox at
Tue Aug 9 16:30:09 CEST 2005

Steffen Grunewald wrote:

> there's no ext3 support in the kernel...
>>I get the same message if I try to manually mount from the shell. So... 
>>any ideas what might be going on? I can't mount it as ext2 either if 
>>that makes any difference. I'm using the default config that came with 
>>FAI and am trying to build 'demohost'.
> which kernel are you using?

Hi Steffen,

I am using the 2.4.27 kernel that comes with the latest fai-kernels 
package. However I've just remembered that there is also a 2.6 kernel in 
that package so I decided to try that. This time everything works perfectly!
So, I think there is a problem that the 2.4.27 kernel in fai-kernels 
doesn't support ext2 or ext3 and the default demo scripts are creating 
an ext3 filesystem. That is, unless I have done something wrong!
I will carry on with the 2.6.8 kernel so my problem right now is solved.


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