Can't mount ext3 filesystem

Ben Willcox ben.willcox at
Tue Aug 9 15:11:19 CEST 2005

Hi All,

I've used FAI for a couple of projects in the past, but it's been a 
while and accidentally re-formatted my FAI server for something else 
(oops). So I've installed FAI on another Sarge server (newer version 
than what I previously used) and I've got to a certain stage and am now 

I'm using a bootfloppy, and the boot process appears to work, the 
nfsroot is mounted, the disks get partitioned etc, however I'm getting 
the following message when FAI trys to mount each of the partitions it's 
just created (except the swap):

mount: unknown filesystem type ext3

I get the same message if I try to manually mount from the shell. So... 
any ideas what might be going on? I can't mount it as ext2 either if 
that makes any difference. I'm using the default config that came with 
FAI and am trying to build 'demohost'.


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