All I require is your honest co-operation

faizallawoffice at faizallawoffice at
Sat Sep 18 22:06:07 CEST 2004

Barrister Faisal I. Noorget     
Email:   faizallawoffice at
         inquiry at
Phone:   (0044)7040110290 

I write you in good faith, hoping that you will treat
this letter as a desperate search for assistance in a
matter that shall benefit both of us. A random search
based on your locality from the Internet produced your
name and address and that of two others in your

I am Barrister Faisal I. Noorget an Attorney to a 
deceased Immigrant property magnate who was 
based in the U.K., also referred to as my client.

On the 25th of July 2000, my client, his wife and
their two Children died in the Air France concord
plane crash bound for New York in their plan for a
world cruise, 

Since then I have been managing his properties 
here in the U.K. and some others which he put out 
for sale. The properties which have long been put 
out on sale have now been paid for and now the 
money paid has long been deposited into his local 
bank account  here. I have contacted you to assist 
in repatriating the money and estate left behind by 
my client before  they get confiscated or declared 
unserviceable by his bank.

Particularly, the bank has issued me with a notice to
provide any of his next of kin or have the account
confiscated within a short period of time. My late 
client has an account valued at 30 Million United
States Dollars Only. Since I have been unsuccessful in
locating any of my clients relatives for some time now
and with no one coming forward since my clients 
passing on, and with the bank now giving me a
deadline, I now seek your consent to present you as
the next of kin to my deceased client, so that the
proceeds of his account valued at 30 Million United
States Dollars Only can be paid to you. This I intend
we share amongst ourselves in the ratio of 60% to me
and 30% for you while the balance 10% we shall use for
settling any miscellaneous expenses that might arise.
I have all the necessary information that can be used
to back up any Claim that we may make and I can assure
you that you shall be paid this amount as the next of
kin to my late client.

All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us
see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be
executed under a legitimate arrangement that will
protect you from any breach of the law. Trust me as
his attorney that this is a risk-free relationship.

Please get in touch with me via email and send me your
full names and address, telephone and fax numbers to
enable us discuss further about this transaction.

Best regards,

Barrister Faisal I. Noorget
Phone:  (0044) 7040110290 

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