no kernel installed on client so it refuses booting ... a little more

Gerald Houart ghouart at
Mon Oct 11 08:26:09 CEST 2004

thanks ... it works finally !

in fact it is so that i have done but placing "do_initrd = Yes" in

what i found strange was that simply putting "simple" example and
modifying network configuration tu suite mine was not working ... no
kernel was installed on clients so they won't boot after installation.

now i will enjoy fully FAI :)

Le sam 09/10/2004 à 10:40, Henning Glawe a écrit :
> On Sat, Oct 09, 2004 at 11:26:33AM +1000, Nicolas Triantafillou wrote:
> > scripts/DEFAULT/S01 has:
> > 
> > fcopy /etc/kernel-img.conf
> > 
> > this should be happening by itself? check out your files/etc/kernel-img.conf
> > 
> > the hook shouldn't be needed.
> you need to have a valid kernerl-img.conf installed _before_ installing the
> kernel, so a hook is needed if you install the kernel by the "normal" 
> package_config stuff (which is IMO more transparent than the $addpackages 
> mechanism used in the "simple" FAI example) because scripts/*/* is run
> _after_ installing the packages. Our configuration works this way, and so
> seems Holger's:
> > Holger Levsen wrote:
> > >FAI_CONFIGDIR/files/instsoft.NEWWORLD consists of this lines:
> > >-----------------------------------------------------
> > >#! /bin/sh
> > >
> > ># kernel-image-2.6.8-powerpc.deb requieres this :(
> > >echo "do_initrd = Yes" >> $target/etc/kernel-img.conf
> > >-----------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >"NEWWORLD" is the name of the class which installs the kernel. (via 
> > >package_config/NEWWORLD)
> p.s. Nicolas, please
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